Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Cumin Cauliflower Slaw

August 8, 2012
I discovered that this post somehow disappeared! Good thing I had a back-up! I reposted this today, but unfortunately, lost all the comments.

After seeing Vanessa's beautiful broccoli slaw (at What Geeks Eat), I wanted it.

I coveted it.
I coveted my neighbour's slaw.

Nothing wrong with coveting my neighbour's slaw, I suppose. Not against any commandment issued by any blogging god. But it is funny how life works sometimes, because you can't always get what you covet.

Or what you covet ain't necessarily what you'll get.

In this case, I would have to content myself with a paler version. Literally.

I made cumin cauliflower slaw instead.

My problem with slaws -- why I do not usually make them myself, thus limited to coveting them instead -- is my knife skills, or lack thereof.

Shred a cabbage? Um, no, thank you.
1/4-inch-wide ribbons, you say? Um. No.

For this job, I enlisted the help of a superslicer, one of those plastic Japanese mandolins.

So, using the mandolin, I sliced some cauliflower, red onions, carrots and celery, all the while hoping that I do not get any sliced finger in the slaw.

The dressing consisted of lime, honey, apple cider vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

I also managed to toast some cumin seeds.

Toss everything together, adjusting the seasoning here and there, and finally, I've laid down the slaw.


And I saw and tasted it and it was not bad.

We're submitting this post to Weekend Herb Blogging, a world-wide food blogging event created by Kalyn's Kitchen with the goal of helping each other learn about cooking with herbs and unusual plant ingredients.

If you'd like to participate, see
who's hosting next week. WHB is hosted this week by Divya of Dil Se.

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