Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chocolate-Filled Yellow Cupcakes (and Kreativ Blogger award)

A semi-wordless one. (OK, OK, I know when I say that there are actually words and words and words... but you know what I mean.)

These are some yellow cupcakes that I filled with some chocolate. They were brought to Boss #1's class on his birthday a while back. Since we're not cupcake-proficient, these were simply topped with whipped cream and some sprinkles.

We used the same recipe as our jalapeƱo cupcakes. Except without the jalapeƱos, of course. ;)

We would like to offer these to Dragon of Dragon's Kitchen for giving us the Kreativ Blogger award.

Thanks so much! An award for creativity is truly appreciated.

We hope you had a great time during your vacation! =)

As part of receiving the Kreativ Blogger award, we have to name 6 things we love.

So, off the top of our heads, here is our list:

1) JS loves BLUE-Y, her childhood blanket.

2) ts loves fog and wind.

3) ts loves singing... so much.

4) JS has recently fallen in love with soft, Taiwanese buns... and MaLa hotpot!

5) JS loves to argue. (Haha. Written by ts.)

6) ts loves to "sudden rage" (that's a verb, by the way). (LOL. Written by JS.)

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  1. These cupcakes with their chocolate tones sound delish:D

  2. The cupcakes look really cute topped with the whipped cream

  3. Well deserved! Thanks for the lovely, lovely treats. :)

  4. LOL @ ts loves to "sudden rage", for some reason it reminded me of that corny videogame for mortal kombat.

    Btw, the cupcakes look so pretty...a well deserved win!

  5. Great cupcakes and congrats on the well deserved award!

  6. Oh, these look great! I love simple cupcakes, and the whipped cream is a nice touch!

  7. Bellini Valli:
    Jessica @FoodMayhem:

    Haha... Of course, I maintain that I do NOT "sudden rage"! =D

    Thanks again! =)
